I’m left to interpret what my late colleague meant which wasn’t about making humans a currency. He argued that without a finite anchor, money imagine into existence as debt will accumulate in the hands of those most adept as manipulation, leaving those disenfranchised with the only option of rising up. This came 15 years later with the Arab Spring and OWS. Now its water under the bridge. What it led into was an argument for putting the needs of people before shareholder value. That was his argument for purpose driven business , one which uses profit for community benefit. Profit-with-purpose also came 15 years later with ‘Creating Shared Value’ . Andrew Beebe suggests profit “because of” purpose, which I’m inclined to agree with if this means we’re seeing profit as a consequence of focus on purpose rather than trying to balance one with the other and ending if with the tokenism that we see in so many CSR activities: https://medium.com/@peoplecentred/what-is-profit-for-purpose-c26bd96cf244